Palo Duro Day 5 / Thom & Ken / L4 / BWCT / 08:00

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If you do not currently have a Chapter Membership Enrollment Form and Release on file for the current year please download here, fill out, and bring to the event.

Event date: 
Sun, 10/27/2024 - 8:00am to 3:00pm


As we head home on day 5 we will take some new roads, see new sights and a new lunch stop in Spur, TX.  But before we stop for lunch we will ride right through the heart of Palo Duro Canyon on Texas 207.  We will also make a stop for at least one photo opp just outside Silverton. then on to lunch at Turnaround Cafe.

5 hours 15 minutes of seat time.  305 miles.

Event route: 
GPX File(s):
  Download File: PD_Day5.gpx

Members Only Events: These events are only open to chapter members.  No guest may attend.