Palo Duro Day 2 / Thom & Ken / L4 / HILS / 08:00

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Event date: 
Thu, 10/24/2024 - 8:00am to 4:00pm


Day 2 will start in Lubbock heading north east to Floydada, on our way to Caprock Canyon State Park.  We will have one brief stop for gas so that we can make it to the next gas stop in Clarendon.  We will take a tour of Caprock Canyon State Park, the home of the Texas Bison Herd, thanks to Charles and Mary Ann Goodnight.  Admission ro the state park is $8.00.

After a tour of the park we will stop for lunch, either in Quitique or Turkey.  After our lunch break we will head for the next gas stop in Clarendon.  Then on to The Cross, in Groom.  After this breif stop we will travel west on Route 66, aka IH-40, headed for the Bug Ranch at Big Texas Steak House. (We are not doing dinner here tonight) This stop holds two purposes a) View the Bug Ranch.  b) to share the extent of a ride if we elect to eat here on Day 3 for dinner.   265 miles - 4.5 hours seat time.

Then onto KSD, in Canyon, Texas.   Dinner will be a short walk to Texas Rose Steakhouse.

Event route: 
GPX File(s):
  Download File: PD_Day2.gpx

Members Only Events: These events are only open to chapter members.  No guest may attend.